Neely Social Media Index

Created time
Jan 1, 2024 03:27 PM

Neely Social Media Index

Based on a nationally representative longitudinal tracking survey using the Understanding America Panel, the Neely Social Media Index measures usage of online social systems and people’s positive and negative experiences with these systems. Below are the data from March-May 2023. Our next wave will occur in July and every month thereafter and we are actively adding questions.
Learn more about the methodology and data here.
Below are our latest top level results. We ask follow up questions on all of these responses and post more detailed analysis on our Substack where you can signup to receive regular updates.
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Frequency of Usage

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Positive Experiences (Connection + Learning):

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Meaningful Connection X Platform
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Learning X Platform

Negative Experiences X Platform (Personal vs. Societal):

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Personal Negative X Platform
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Bad For the World X Platform