01/10/24 links

Jan 10, 2024 03:41 PM
This week in discussing (yet again) why moderation is important, and why deplatforming extremists is a good idea:
This week in extremists:
This week in elections integrity:
  • Defending the year of Democracy: “This year must be remembered not only for the scale of its elections but also for the speed and scale of democracy’s defense.” (Foreign affairs)
This week in scams, fraud, and deepfakes:
  • GenAI could make KYC (know your customer) effectively useless (Tech Crunch). Basically, many platforms rely on verification through 1) selfies (sometimes with the person holding a piece of paper with email/ username on it) and 2) IDs, and cross-checking these against known information. This can all now be generated by AI easily. An extra layer of security is a “liveness” check (moving your head back and forth) and/or asking for specific poses, but this can be faked, too.
This week in AI and ML safety:
This week in tech policy and minor safety:
And, as if all that wasn’t enough, here are even more Trust & Safety links from this week: