Q4 can be hard for jobseekers. It’s typically a period of fewer job postings, recruiters and hiring managers taking vacations, holidays, etc. So I wanted to take a moment to help Trust & Safety jobseekers make the most of this relatively slower period of the year. Find below a list of a dozen ways to set yourself up for success:
- Clean up your resume(s) - Does your resume reflect the latest industry language? Haven’t updated your resume in a few months? Be sure it captures your biggest accomplishments, skills, and relevant accomplishments.
- Make tailored resume(s) - Not getting anywhere with a single generic resume? The world of T&S is so nuanced that you typically need a resume highlighting your relevant skills and accomplishments for each role. Spend a little time crafting variations of your resume so you’re ready for a (hopefully) busy Q1.
- Get a professional resume review - This can be quite tricky as there are not that many T&S-specific resume reviewers. I do them once in awhile but they take a lot of time and knowledge. Check out T&S Mentor Match to connect with experts who may be able to help.
- Run your resume through an ATS scanner - Sites like Jobscan offer free scans of your resume where you’ll get feedback on how it’d appear in automated job listing sites. This can help you get through some initial discovery hurdles.
- Get a mentor able to keep you plugged in - There are fabulous T&S consultants like Ruby Y and others on T&S Mentor Match and TSPA’s Coffee Chats who can help you stay on top of the latest industry trends. If you’re not currently employed, this can be a great way to stay connected to the industry and not feel like you’re falling behind.
- Practice interviewing - Got your resume ready, mentors in place, and support in place? Then it’s time to practice interviewing! This is a super valuable but downright uncomfortable thing to do - so not too many people actually do it. However, it can be the deciding factor over why you get a role rather than someone else. Connect with a mentor, coach, colleague, or friend and have them ask you questions about your desired role. They can rate you on how you showed up, if you came off as understanding the problem at hand, etc.
- Join professional organizations - There are dozens of fabulous T&S and adjacent organizations you can join, such as All Tech Is Human , Marketplace Risk , About Fraud , Trust & Safety Professional Association , and more. Many offer dedicated Slack-based communities, events, job boards, and more. Check out a list of our favorite organizations here.
- Learn T&S skills - If you have a little time, be sure to take part in industry events like All Tech Is Human events, T&S Hackathons, and more. Be sure to check out the T&S Global Events Calendar for the latest look at everything happening around the world.
- Subscribe to T&S podcasts and newsletters - There are dozens of outstanding resources that provide regular ideas, analysis, and updates about all things T&S. From Trust in Tech to Ctrl-Alt-Speech w/ Ben Whitelaw to Anchor Change w/ Katie Harbath and Faked Up w/ Alexios Mantzarlis , there are many entertaining and informative options.
- Spend time recharging - (hat tip to Katie Dunn for the following T&S wellness tips!) Job hunting is one of the most stressful things you can do. Seriously. It’s exhausting. It’s why I try to dedicate a portion of my time to helping those dealing with this challenging undertaking. So, take a breath and find ways to recharge that energize you. Whatever relaxes you, take time to do it and don’t feel like you’re slacking off. You can only finish the job seeking marathon if you’re rested and healthy, after all.
- Find new inspiration - You don’t need to live and breathe T&S 24-7. There, I said it. While the world of T&S is typically a pretty round-the-clock industry, you should always have other things going on in your life that inspire you. Friends, family, hobbies, sports, whatever inspires you.
- Give yourself intentional time off - Work on reframing your mindset during this challenging period. Go from “Well, I can’t get a job right now because everyone else isn’t hiring” to “I’m taking this time to refresh, reframe, recharge, and get inspired.”
What other tips would you share with jobseekers right now? The end of the year can be challenging for many so please share any best practices you have with our fabulous community here in the comments!